
Friday, March 21, 2014

March Madness: Book Boyfriend Edition Elite 8 (2)

Welcome to our bookish version of March Madness! 
We're so glad you're here! 

In case this is your first time visiting us for our book boyfriend tournament, you can read the details here. And in case you missed the Elite 8 post on the Classic/Adult Fiction & YA Contemporary/Historical guys, you can find it here. I can't believe we're almost to the end of our book boyfriend bracket. By this time next week, we'll have the finalists announced and voting will begin for the winner. Where did the month of March go?

None of the matches for this group were close last round. Each guy won by getting around 70% (or more) of the votes... but I have a feeling that will change for this round.

Ready to see the last four guys in the Elite 8? Check out the bracket below, vote & then don't forget to enter the giveaway!

 Thanks for voting!
Who's Your YA Dystopian/Sci-Fi/Fantasy #1 Pick? free polls 
Who's Your YA Dystopian/Sci-Fi/Fantasy #2 Pick? free polls 

a Rafflecopter giveaway
*The giveaway rules are on the welcome page for the bracket*


  1. Really want Morpheus to win this! :) #MothMinion

  2. Thorne. I love A.G. Howard but Im a Jeb fan sorry A.G.!!!!

    1. I love Jeb, too, but it's Splintered, come on!!

    2. I voted for him against Four and I do love the splintered series but I also love the lunar chronicles and Thorne is my favorite from the series so if it comes down to the two of them Ill be hard pressed to vote for Morpheus over Thorne

    3. But if I won I would def want the Splintered book over The any of the lunar chronicle books

  3. WHAAAT? Why on earth isn't FOUR winning?? I can't take it. I even have Mr. Betty voting!! He better win! And PEETA.... really????

  4. Morpheus must take the crown!

  5. I am a Jeb fan, but an even bigger Splintered fan, so GO MORPH!!!!

  6. I want Morpheus to win and if I won the contest I would choose the book Splintered because it's my favorite book ever.
