
Monday, March 24, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Our Bookish Bucket Lists

As always TTT is hosted by The Broke & The Bookish

Oh bucket lists. Something that seems easy on the surface until you actually sit down to write a post about it. And then... not so much. Blank mind. No words. Yeah. Good times. It's a good thing there's two of us to split this post up!

One last reminder on our March Madness Book Boyfriend Edition! The Final Four is happening NOW. And the Finals will start on Thursday with the winner being announced on Monday. Go vote for your favorite to move on to the final!
I'm struggling with coming up with an entire list this week. Sure I love lists, but a bucket list is not really my thing. I was able to come up with 5. It's weeks like this I'm very thankful to split these lists with Sarah! ;)

1. BEA. I would LOVE to go to BEA someday. It's just not in the cards right now. I would love to connect and meet some other bloggers in person. And meet authors. And publicists. And publishers. I'd love to be a part of it all. It's just not in the cards this year. :(

2. Author signings. I live in a small-ish town. The closest city where author events are generally held is Dallas, and it's 6 hours away. I do have one author who lives in my hometown (AG Howard), so I'll definitely be attending her signing when book 3 of the Splintered series is released. So yeah, I'd love to be able to meet more authors, but there'd be lots of travel and extra expense involved. Boo.

3. Other Expos other than BEA. There's always other book expos/events going on, and I'd love to attend some of them. But again. TRAVEL. Hoping there will be one in Dallas sometime soon. That would actually be doable.

4. Read 200 books in a year. I've already read 40 this year, which puts me on pace for about 160. Surely I could squeeze 40 more books in sometime, even though my Goodreads goal is 104. I'll pretty much surpass that before Summer is over I'm sure.

5. Have a whole room in my house dedicated to books. Whenever I move again, I'm hoping to be able to have an entire room just for my books. Since the library from Beauty and the Beast would never really be a feasible option, it'll be the best I can do. I just hope my husband agrees.

This was a tough one for me. I'm glad I have Lindsay to share these more difficult Top Ten's with me! Here are my 5.

1. Read at least 52 books this year. I know, it's such a measly number. Before baby I probably could have pull off 52 books in 3 months. So I'm settling for one book a week. I think it's good start at getting back to my old reading self. 

2. Attend author signings. I would love to attend author signings and meet the brains behind the stories that I love. I actually live in a city where this is all possible. In fact, I was supposed to meet Diana Gabaldon (author of The Outlander series) however, I couldn't fine a sitter for my son. *sigh* The things we sacrifice for our children. 

3. BookExpo America. It's like Mecca for book nerds ... or the book version of Comic-Con. I'm determined to make this happen next year for both Lindsay and I. It's  going to happen, people! 

4. Have my own library. Before we moved I had the beginnings of my own library ... My own very small library. My husband wasn't thrilled about it and since we've been in our new house in our new city my books have yet to be unpacked. I know! I'm so ashamed. But this is the year that I'm going to buy a nice big wall unit and turn our office into my very own little piece of book heaven. 

5. Write. Yes. I love writing. I have a wild imagination and a bit of a twisted sense of humor. I have so many stories and ideas floating around. I'm desperate to write them all down and have my own novel or short stories or even children's book. Just don't ask me what I would write about. I don't even know that yet. Ha!

What's on your Bookish Bucket List?


  1. The idea of a room dedicated to books I SO good, I'd love that!

  2. I have managed the 100 books a year thing (just barely) so this year I am aiming for 150... So goodluck with the 200!!!

    Great lists...

    My TTT

  3. Looks like BEA or some other expo is on all our lists!

    Here's my TTT

  4. I know - we all want to go to BEA. Someday! And I am definitely in favor of you coming to Dallas for a signing!! ;) I want to get to 200 books this year also, but I have really slowed down so we will see. Maybe I'll pick back up in April!

    The Houston area does have a bunch of good signings - especially that little bookstore Murder by the Book. Brandon Sanderson was just there and I *almost* did the drive.

  5. I really liked this idea of TTT so thanks for sharing!

  6. LINDSAY: I want to put everything that's in your list to my list, except change 200 to 100 because I have no idea on how to manage that ever! :))

    SARAH: Mecca for book lovers, what a perfect description! <3 Awesome list :)

    TTT: Bookish Bucket List
    Dress Up That Cover #1 - If I Stay

  7. Your guys bookish goals are so great! Nice list!

  8. Great list ladies. I also included BEA, author events, and would love to have a room devoted to books (I just put a wall on my list). And Lindsay 200 books! WOW! I hope you get there. I'm shooting for 100 this year which seems like a lot to me.
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

  9. Have you thought of ALA? It's a book conference, mainly for librarians, but as a book blogger and not a librarian I just loved it! It was amazing, is cheaper than BEA, and changes cities each time, so maybe it'll be near you both soon!

    I love how this is a Top 10 Tuesday! You may also want to link up to the original Bookish Bucket List, too!

  10. I'm just dying to attend some book expos! But at the moment I'm just too broke so I guess that dream has to wait for a while! Great lists from both of you. :)

  11. God I had to drop my goal to 100 books this year and I'm behind! If you make 200 I shall be in awe!!! Great list, I see we have several in common. ~Kristina
