
Sunday, May 25, 2014

It's Armchair BEA Week! (Introduction Post)

Well hello there. I'm so excited to be participating in Armchair BEA this year! There's so much fun stuff planned, and I can't wait to get to it this week!

First up for the week is an introduction, so without further ado.... here are the 5 questions & answers so you can learn a little more about me!

1. My name is Lindsay, I'm 29, a wife, mom to an almost 4 year old little boy, and a cookie decorator (and I really like to make book related cookies. Like these. And these. And also these. And yes, they're all actually edible.). I've been blogging for about 6 months now along with my co-blogger Sarah. I started a blog for one reason really, I love talking about books. Being able to share that love and fangirl over books with other bloggers is one of my favorite things to do. You people get me. I'm blogging from smack-dab in the middle of the Texas Panhandle (that's the square part at the top).

2. My blog in one sentence.... hmmmm.....

You can find me most often on the social media sites listed below (especially twitter. I love twitter):
Twitter: @brokebookgirls
Instagram: @brokebookgirl
Goodreads: Lindsay (Broke Book Girls)

3. My favorite genre is fantasy, especially epic fantasy. I love, love, love getting swept away into a whole new world. There's just something about the way an author can create an entire world/country/city/history/etc that just draws me in. I love it.
I mean, can we discuss how amazing Leigh Bardugo is for creaking Ravka?

 4. My favorite book I read last year was, um, there's a lot. Picking one is hard and you can't make me do it. Favorite fantasy series, that ended, is The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson. I actually just re-read it last week, and am happy to report that it was even better the second time around. (See: HECTOR). As for contemporary, my favorite one I read last year is Attachments by Rainbow Rowell. I adore her books so much, and binge read all 3 in about 2 days, but Attachments is my favorite of them all. (Since I can't resist, I love The Grisha Trilogy and The Throne of Glass series. But they're not finished yet, so I'm not including them even though they are AMAZING.)

My favorite books so far this year are Open Road Summer by Emery Lord for Contemporary, A Mad, Wicked Folly by Sharon Biggs Waller for historical fiction, and the wonderfulness that is Cress by Marissa Meyer for fantasy/sci-fi. I've read some amazing books this year though. It's hard to narrow it down to even 3. (Honorable mention to Something Real by Heather Demetrios and Lady Thief by AC Gaughen. The FEELS you guys.)

5. I would LOVE to see The Lunar Chronicles made into a movie. There is so, so much potential there. The story. The visuals. The action. The romance. Seriously, these books have it all. Plus I would kinda love to see Thorne up on a big screen...

Ignore that number there. I didn't want to make a new graphic....

So that's it! Welcome & I can't wait to read about you all! Please leave me your links in the comments!! :)