
Monday, February 3, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Books That Make Us Cry

Sometimes a girl needs a good cry, amirite? So if you're in the market for a good cry, we've got you covered.

Lots of posts this week, so make sure you don't miss the Giveaway Post for Alienated coming later today NOW LIVE-CLICK HERE!(Tuesday morning) and the post for the cookies I (Lindsay) made for the releases of Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi and Cress by Marissa Meyer yesterday!

Lindsay's Selections:
I can be a big ol' cry baby sometimes. Books can easily make me cry at the drop of a hat. All it takes is one moving scene and BAM! crying. So here are the top 5 books that make me cry (and make me glad I read 98% of the time on my kindle, or I would have lots of tear-stained books):
1.The Hunger Games and Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins. Rue. Finnick. Enough said.

2.Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. First when Melanie dies and then, THEN when Rhett utters that famous line and Scarlet is left on her own? Tears. EVERY TIME.

3. Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. The end of the book. Who would want to leave Jamie? And while you were pregnant? Noooo.

4. These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman & Meagan Spooner. You can read my review here. But yeah, there's this one part that ripped my heart out and made me cry. Also inspired #TheseBrokenFeels.

5. Attachments by Rainbow Rowell. Without giving any spoilers, there's a scene in here where something sad happens to one of the characters. Let's just say I could relate to her exact situation. I knew what was coming and it made me cry. Buckets of tears.

Honorable Mention a/k/a the one I forgot: Through the Ever Night by Veronica Rossi. Because no one should have to deal with what Roar does. No one.

Sarah's Selections:

I read quite a few books that make me cry. Typically tear jerkers are my favorite kind of book. Hey, everyone needs a good cry! Here are my top 5 tear jerkers. 

1. Before I Die by Jenny Downham 
A young girl with leukemia chooses to live her last few months her way, which includes falling in love for the first time. Probably THE most emotional book I've ever read. I cried from beginning to end ... At which point I sobbed uncontrollably for a good hour. 

2. If I Stay by Gayle Forman 
Mia is left in a coma after a car accidents claims the life of her parents and little brother. This book. *sigh* Imagine having to decide if you should or even could live without your family. I get weepy just thinking about it.

3. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green 
Two terminally ill kids falling in love. What's there not to cry about?

4. Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta 
Taylor Markham has had the most tragic life in just 17 years ... Abandon by her mother, doesn't know her father, witnessed the suicide of a hermit, and there's so much more. This book brings the tears every time.

5. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak 
Any book narrated by Death is bound to make one cry as well as any book set in Nazi Germany. This is such a beautiful story, but oh so sad. Tears. So many tears.


  1. For some reason I enjoyed The Book Thief the movie more than I did with the book /:

    Check our TTT

    Leydy @ OUaT & Redcarpetendings

  2. I have The Book Thief on my list this week too. I need to read Jellicoe Road, I keep seeing it around!

    1. I recommend Jellicoe Road to everyone. It's such a wonderful book. The story is so unique.

  3. Good list, I loved both The Fault in Our Stars and The Book Thief and they both fit this list very well with how heartbreaking they are.

  4. Fantastic list, Before I Die is on mine too - I think I sobbed from start to finish with that one. Yes to crying over TFIOS, The Book Thief, Hunger Games and If I Stay too, really glad to see I'm not the only one who got emotional over Outlander even if I did forget to put it on my list!

    My Top 10 Tuesday!

    1. You need to watch the movie version of Before I Die. It's called Now Is Good. It's the same characters and story line. However, they took a few creative liberties, as they typically do when making a book into a movie. It was still really good and of course, I cried.

  5. I refuse to read The Fault In Our Stars. I feel like I'm leaving that comment on every page I visit today! LOL Self induced ugly cry is not something I do. I had Catching fire and Mockingjay on my list. That series really brings out a lot of emotions. Great List!

    Kristalyn @ The Sarcastic Palmtree

    My TTT

    1. I've never read TFiOS either. Doesn't appeal to me at all. Now if a book surprises me and I cry that's fine. I generally don't willingly do that to myself!

  6. I just read Attachments and for a minute I couldn't remember if it made me cry, but it did! About the baby :( If I Stay made my list, too. All those sweet memories and her family is dead, so terrible.

  7. Yep. That's the part in Attachments. I balled like a baby when I read that part-even knowing it was coming.

  8. Great picks. If I Stay made my list too, such an emotional and beautiful book. My TTT :)

  9. I can't believe I've never read Gone With the Wind! I really need to read that sometime soon. I forgot to add The Book Thief to my list, but that one definitely made me cry. As did The Fault in Our Stars. SO MANY TEARS with that one!
